Large Cap U.S. Stocks with Positive and Negative Sentiment on 10 May 2023

On 10 May 2023, there were a number of large cap U.S. stocks that appeared in the most number of unique news stories. Some of these stocks had positive sentiment, while others had negative sentiment.

Positive Sentiment

  • Apple: Apple was featured in a number of positive news stories, including one about the company’s plans to release a new MacBook Air with the M2 chip. The M2 chip is expected to be a significant improvement over the M1 chip, and it could help Apple to maintain its dominance in the laptop market.
  • Microsoft: Microsoft was also featured in a number of positive news stories, including one about the company’s plans to acquire Nuance Communications for $19.7 billion. Nuance Communications is a leading provider of speech recognition and artificial intelligence technology, and the acquisition could help Microsoft to expand its reach into the healthcare and enterprise markets.
  • Amazon: Amazon was also featured in a number of positive news stories, including one about the company’s plans to open new physical retail stores in Los Angeles and New York City. The stores could help Amazon to reach new customers and boost its sales.
  • Alphabet: Alphabet was featured in a number of positive news stories, including one about the company’s plans to report Q2 earnings on July 26. The earnings report will provide investors with an update on Alphabet’s financial performance, and it could help to determine whether the stock is a good investment.
  • Tesla: Tesla was also featured in a number of positive news stories, including one about the company’s plans to resume production at its Shanghai factory after a two-month shutdown. The factory shutdown had a significant impact on Tesla’s production, and the resumption of production could help the company to meet its sales goals.

Negative Sentiment

  • Meta: Meta was featured in a number of negative news stories, including one about the company’s plans to lay off 3% of its workforce. The layoffs are a sign that Meta is facing challenges, and they could have a negative impact on the stock price.


Overall, the sentiment towards large cap U.S. stocks on 10 May 2023 was positive. However, there were a few stocks that had negative sentiment, such as Meta. Investors should carefully consider the news surrounding these stocks before making any investment decisions.

I hope this is helpful!